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Pet Dermatology

Many people do not expect their pets to experience allergies and other skin conditions. The truth is that pets have the same complicated skin conditions that people do, and they often require special attention to treat this issue. Some conditions are related to birth, while others are allergic reactions. Our veterinarians at Village Veterinary Clinic in Burke will provide your pet with the dermatological care that he or she needs.

Maine Coon Kitten

What to Expect from
Pet Dermatology

What Causes Pet Skin Issues?

  • A variety of issues can cause skin problems for pets. They include:

  • Flea and tick allergies

  • Skin sores or “hot spots”

  • Contact allergies

  • Mites

  • Dry skin

  • Hair loss or dullness

  • Infections caused by scratching

  • Food allergies

  • Pet acne

If you notice any of these skin conditions, it is important to get veterinary care as soon as possible.

How a Veterinary
Dermatologist Helps

Veterinary dermatologists begin by examining your pet to create a diagnosis. Diagnostics are used to help pinpoint the cause of your pet’s condition and to develop a treatment plan. Medication such as antihistamines, antibiotics and/or topical sprays or ointments are often prescribed to help with skin conditions and skin allergies. Medicated shampoos, spray conditioners and vitamin supplements may be prescribed to soothe skin flare-ups. In some cases pets may require a specially-formulated prescription food to help manage skin conditions.

Fleas are a common source of skin irritations, therefore regular flea control is extremely important. Pets that are sensitive to flea bites are typically very itchy and may bite themselves, often causing hair loss and/or small scabby sores typically found on the hind quarters, along the back or insides of the thighs. Our veterinarians can recommend an appropriate flea control product for your pet and offer suggestions on flea control for the home and outdoor environments.

Some pets develop skin irritations as a result of exposure to mold, dust or pollen, either in the home or from the out-of-doors. These allergies can be seasonal or chronic throughout the year and are typically managed with a combination of oral and topical treatments. Getting your pet allergy tested is another option that can positively identify what your pet is sensitive to. Specially formulated serums can then be developed and administered to bring your pet relief. Running a dehumidifier in your home can help reduce exposure to molds. Using a HEPA filter to control dust and pollen in your home is also recommended. Wiping down your pet with a moist cloth after being outdoors will help limit contact with dust, molds, and pollen.

Schedule a Pet Dermatology 

Appointment in Burke, VA

Our veterinarians at Village Veterinary Clinic will help you protect your pet from skin issues and more. If you have noticed a skin problem or something else affecting your pet, call our team today at 703-978-8655 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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